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Philip Mallegol-Hansen

Just an HTML Document

I recently wrote a bit about wanting to return to tinkering with web technologies, without all of the noise that tends to get in the way in modern web development.

Given that many people aren’t familiar with web development at all, and of those who are, I suspect many of the more junior folks haven’t ever done things the “old” way, I wanted to take a moment today to describe what exactly it takes to make a web page in this manner.

The McRib

Ever since I first visited the U.S. at an age of 14, I’ve had a bit of a personal goal that most people find odd: To sample each of the mainstream American fast foods.

Fossy 2023 Recordings

Earlier this summer I had the pleasure of attending the first ever FOSSY conference1 in Portland, Oregon, U.S.

I had a pleasant time getting to know new faces in the FOSS community. As my first conference since moving to the US, it was great to get back out there and feel that sense of community that can sometimes be fleeting when working from home.

A Reflection on 2022

It is a well kept tradition to reflect on the year behind us as we slip past the longest winter night, the opulent holiday parties, and into a “new” year on the calendar.

Whilst I’m dubious of the idea that a new number on a calendar, in and of itself inspires any profound change in any of us, the practice of self reflection undoubtedly leads to better people.